Ryan Porteous

He was woeful last night, was constantly playing our guys onside & distribution was poor. Looked like Maloney told him to stay away from Alfie as well compared to previous games.

The incident with Arfield was a disgrace & one which he should have been booked for, or at least challenged by the ref on it. Also disappointing to hear Kevin Thomson sticking up for him saying Arfield could have touched him.
If he concentrated improving his game rather than trying to act the plastic hardman he would prob have a decent career and a move down to championship in england but hes just a wee fanny
He seems to be caught of of position a lot. Usually rushing out to a player over eager to go after someone.

Also seems a very immature person. The way he acts against us is embarrassing. Trying to get Scott Arfield in trouble last night when no contact was made for example. That's just going down the Scott Brown/Thumbheid road of appealing to the cavemen prod haters in their support. Grow up and try and become a better player . That's what will see you get proper credit. Not this pantomime villain pish.
His play acting trying to get arfield sent off was terrble. That said I think there is a player in there but unfortunately he is too busy trying to wind up other players to concentrate on his own game

He has cost them points in every game we have played them in the past two seasons

He is as poor a defender as I can recall who has been touted for international football --- and by phuck there have been plenty of them
He is certainly not a team player. Wants to make every game about him and not in the football sense. I think he would be happier getting a red card while injuring a star player than he would with a 5-0 victory for his team.

I have no idea what he was trying to do to his team mate who was in a lot of pain. Again it looked like he wanted the attention rather than show any concern for his mate.
I keep reading folk saying there’s a player there but what is he actually good at?
More interested in trying to con the referee into booking players and reminding the ref how many tackles people had made

He’s utterly pish, his positioning is horrendous for a CB
A complete bellend who actually thinks he’s a better footballer than he is. For his part he caused the second second goal. Didn’t cover and stood watching. He is a cheat. Will it be highlighted anywhere but here? No he’s a darling of the press. Guy is a competent defender for hibs. That’s his level.
He’s totally pre occupied with the mini war he has in his own head with Rangers. It’s incredible to see. McGinn was in agony limped over the touch line and lay down only for that clown to race over lift him up and try and drag him back onto the pitch to run the clock down. This is at 1-0 down ffs! This is the mindset of Porteous and many of your rabid SPL jobbers. From our point of view he’s gifted us several points and games so long may it continue. Guy is unhinged
You can’t, especially as a CB go around the pitch constantly laughing and smiling about decisions given for and against you and also be 100% focused on the game, don’t know what he’s like in other games but he try’s to hard to be centre of attention against us, he’s a terrible defender when your compare him to someone like Souttar for instance.
His play acting trying to get arfield sent off was terrble. That said I think there is a player in there but unfortunately he is too busy trying to wind up other players to concentrate on his own game
If he focused on becoming a sort of fair no nonsense defender with nothing fancy, just get the ball and give it to your teammates and get back to your position then he could be valuable to a team.
There was a moment last night when they were 2-0 down and Cadden fouls Kent on the left. Porteous makes a point to go over and high five Cadden. That’s the equivalent of a win to him and that pretty much sums him up. If I was a Hibs fan (apart from lying in my own shit with a needle in my arm) I’d be fuming that he has to make the games against us about him. And more often than not in ends in a defeat as a result of his behaviour and attitude.
I hate it when Morelos is a bit off form and allows him to strut about thinking he's Maldini.

Last night we saw his ability (and his problem really). A cheerleader playing up to idiots for cheap thrills. Enjoyable stuff.
Further confirmation last night he is a horrific centre back

Fell asleep on numerous occasions, notably at the 2nd goal

His cheating is up there at Scott Brown levels also
with the Hollywood Oscars coming around he’s trying out as a Stunt Man, Throwing Himself Down and There All Over The Place, or he’s thinking about being Tom Daily (Diver)!
All of the players in Scottish football through the years and he tries to emulate scott brown, stupid boy.
He thrives on the coverage he gets from Rangers fans.

What happened to the days of when we used to treat everyone and anyone in Scottish Football with the utmost contempt?

We treat this absolute non-entity with the contempt he deserves and he doesn’t play the way we allow him to think he plays. He thinks he’s important and a figure to hate when in reality he’s a figure to be laughed at.

This is Rangers ffs, we don’t need to pander to pantomime bullies.
Another plastic hardman.. falls over and starts rolling about at the merest hint of a touch. Scott brown 2.0
I'm delighted when I see his name in the lineup against us because he makes an arse of it in EVERY game v us. Whether it's getting sent off, giving away penalties or just in dreamland and sitting 5 yards behind his defensive line and allowing us to play a ball through like Alfie's 2nd goal last night.
Hasn't really progressed beyond my initial first impressions of him in the last 3 seasons. Maybe if he spent less time snapping into dangerous tackles and trying to be a wind up merchant, he'd be progressing more as a player. For whatever reason, he tries to be the centre of attention when playing against us and usually for the wrong reasons.

He's 22 and I've not seen a noticeable progression in his game in the last 2 seasons. Was rumoured to be wanted by Millwall during the summer, I'd say that's about his level tbh. He's not got an elite players mentality imo.

Keep it up 'Porto', I can't remember the last time you didn't make a total dick of yourself in a game against us.
Hes no more than a f*cking comedy act.

A horrid, dislikeable, ridiculous excuse for a human.
I’ll never understand his type of mentality. As a professional, surely your goal would be to play for the best team in your country to better yourself as a player and financially. Which can put you on a bigger stage to get a move down south and make even more money and play against a better calibre of player.

It’s an utterly moronic attitude to have.
His play acting trying to get arfield sent off was terrble. That said I think there is a player in there but unfortunately he is too busy trying to wind up other players to concentrate on his own game
This "player in there" is just a cliche to make it out as if he is a troubled soul. He's a scumbag and a fucking rotten footballer.
He's like Scott Brown lite - aims to get under the skin of players / fans every time we play them.

Ignore him and make him more irrelevant!

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