Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

Notice he doesn't mention about the massive cover up by all and sundry at his club for decades, with their supporters doing nothing, perhaps that's why Mr. Goldberg wants to investigate more and tell the story of the Gray's fight for justice for their brother and son, not the Grey's as he also described them.
OK, in that case don't engage them, simply delete them from your Facebook, any other social media contact, and from your life altogether.
Why tolerate utter scum who despise you for what you are, who would gang up on you at a moment's notice, while at the same time they themselves continue to cover up for child rapists?
And if they ask why you've dropped them then let them know.
You'll feel so much better for not having these sad, sanctimonious bastards polluting your everyday life.
OK, in that case don't engage them, simply delete them from your Facebook, any other social media contact, and from your life altogether.
Why tolerate utter scum who despise you for what you are, who would gang up on you at a moment's notice, while at the same time they themselves continue to cover up for child rapists?
And if they ask why you've dropped them then let them know.
You'll feel so much better for not having these sad, sanctimonious bastards polluting your everyday life.
These weren't people who were known to me.

I am far above having paedophile defenders in my life.
1/ CFC and CBC are separate entities
2/ Weaponising CSA is part of plot to stop CFC dominance.
3/ Why pick on CFC coz every club is involved.
I believe 1/ has been shown on here to be false.
2/ Does he expect us to say nothing because in their view raising the issue is worse than the issue itself ?
3/ False equivalency and also where else was it going on to such an extent over so long a period involving so many individuals because it was COVERED UP ?
Now it looks like there is way enough evidence to destroy the separate entity myth, it is important to amass particular and detailed evidence of the cover up.
Let's stop at point 1.
If they're separate entities, then let's get it to court.
Let's stop this wicked persecution of poor oppressed innocent sellick.

Surely anyone who believes the shit he came up with would relish their day in court?
This is hard to take in, christ even the hardened RC population of ROI turned on their church over such scandal yet these folk seem not to care
Mate even the placid and surpressed Chinese were rioting over a baby milk scandal no doubt risking prison and death for doing so. You do not show anything but love and care for Children. Society always finds a way to improve, the work these fine folk are doing will leave a lasting and positive change in Scotland's society. I only hope it changes the mindset of those who least want change.
That Einstein guy that wrote the article can’t even get even spell the name correct of a dead man while trying to show compassion and their ideological thoughts.

a noise up and wouldn’t flinch or involve,move on and keep bringing that green wall down brick by brick day by day!

Agree. I wouldn't even post the propaganda & lying article on FF.

Don't give their lies the oxygen they are deceptively looking for.

Let's stop at point 1.
If they're separate entities, then let's get it to court.
Let's stop this wicked persecution of poor oppressed innocent sell

Surely anyone who believes the shit he came up with would relish their day in court?

wouldn't be surprised if the separate entity will be used in court with the McCann move for Pacific shelf registration and the Haughey move with GCC buying the piggery for two bob , fhuck me the rhats
don't even own their players
The amount of inner rage the author of that article is failing to suppress is notable. He and other celtic fans can howl away about pointscoring Rangers fans having pushed this to harm celtic, keep it up, it highlights to the world how big a lowlife you are. I prefer the opinion of a victim who will more than likely be eternally thankful for our help in giving them a voice and a glimmer of hope that justice and closure may be achievable. With regard to costs to celtic I do know that an apology to the victims from them now is hollow and empty. To deny them a sincere apology is the reason that I hope they get hit for a fortune. It is fek all to do with football, it is only just and fair.
Justice is coming to the victims and who do they blame for that? The lawyers are now ambulance chasers while the Rangers support are weaponising the abuse to punish them. Their warped sence of morality shows no remorse or admittance only an escape route that they try to cling on to.

That's their mindset and the rest of the world must be wrong then eh!
Harm Celtic! All self harm, take a look in the mirror, unfortunately their only concern is self preservation. Not a hint of remorse,no compassion, how can we save our reputation. 132 years in existence, 54 years of abuse and cover up ? Still in denial , still deflecting, still not taking responsibility.
I took the hit, copy and pasted their most recent deny and deflect article.

Pt 1

After 131 days of not being able to watch Celtic, the record equalling 9-in-a-row Scottish champions take to the field tonight in a pre-season friendly against French side Nice in the Veolia Trophy. But for some in the Scottish media it is the right time to highlight the horrible crimes committed at Celtic Boys Club once again.

Once more we are seeing a trial-by-media mentality within the Scottish media when it comes to Celtic Football Club fuelled by an ambulance chasing lawyer — who is doing all he can to avoid the courtroom — and a venemous fan base from across the city looking to stop Celtic, from continuing their dominance, by any means necessary.

But now former Talksport and BBC journalist, Adrian Goldberg, looks to produce a documentary on the crimes committed by those at Celtic Boys Club and links to Celtic Football Club, with a date of September for publication.

Sadly for Goldberg and Laurence Lennard — director of the documentary — it has already been hijacked by bitter and twisted Rangers fans who ploughed donation after donation into their GoFundme page raising £15,000 in the process. Not that they’d care who donated given they have reached their total in record time.

While I cannot testify to the reasons behind Goldberg and Lennard’s production of such a documentary, there are plenty of reasons why Rangers fans have in their thousands donated £15000 to their fundraising page and it has nothing to do with justice for the victims.

There are also question marks around why such a documentary is focusing firmly on Celtic Boys Club and links to Celtic FC, rather than encompassing abuse in Scottish Football or British Football as a whole — given the huge number of victims and perpetrators across the game. I’ve asked Goldberg the reasons behind this but have yet to receive a response from him.

Goldberg has already dipped his toe into the Child Abuse scandal at Celtic Boys Club on his podcast two weeks ago, racking up over 5000 hits in the process. The biggest listenership of any of his podcast episodes to date. From a podcast show with only 57 followers on Soundcloud that is pretty impressive — until you look at who is boosting the numbers from his usual listener base. The same people donating to his documentary. The same people weaponising child abuse for their own sick agendas, the same people who ignore the crimes committed by their own club employees [Neely, Dunn, Chalmers & Watson] while venomously spewing their bile about crimes committed at Celtic Boys Club.

Goldberg, in quotes to the Evening Times today, claimed: “I’m conscious some elements of this story have been told before. I want to take it somewhere else and tell something new.

“I want to drive towards there being positive things in this story, no matter how hard it will be. These terrible things have happened, but how can we stop that happening again?

“I want to do justice to the victims, the survivors. I want to give meaning to their stories and to bear witness to their stories.

“People have offered their money and put their faith in me. I feel that obligation seriously and we want to deliver the best film we can.

“They feel Celtic FC and politicians haven’t always given them the respect they deserve.”

The people that have offered their money to Goldberg are not the victims of Child Abuse, they are the victims of Celtic Football Club’s dominance of the Scottish game and of their club’s inability to muster anything other than firing blanks each season when they are supposedly challenging for the title. They are the victims of their own Napoleon complex — where they believe they are superior to everyone else and that anything that they say and do is gospel. They are the victims and the perpetrators of their old club’s demise and now their new club’s inability to muster up a challenge — minus the tax dodging scams of yesteryear — has led to them weaponising the suffering and the horrors that Child abuse victims endured at the hands of the likes of Torbett, McCafferty and others for their own gain.

While Goldberg will almost certainly profit from his one-sided documentary, the profiteering for Rangers fans is trying to stop Celtic from winning 10 in a row. Trying to stop them from winning 55 titles. In the hope that anything that comes out in the media and the courts — when the ambulance chasing ‘no win no fee’ lawyer decides to eventually take his cases to the courts rather than the usual suspects in the press — will bankrupt Celtic. Will end Celtic.

The people that have put faith in Goldberg and his very one-sided documentary are not looking for justice for the victims, they don’t care about the truth. They don’t care about the rule of law or innocent until proven guilty. They don’t care about the continued suffering of the victims or their families. They don’t care that their lies and baseless claims being peddled on their forums or on social media could cause damage to potentially upcoming court cases — all they care about is ending Celtic like Rangers ended themselves thanks to their tax dodging scams, orchestrated by David Murray and his lawyer-turned-porn-actor.

Goldberg then goes on to speak about politicians and Celtic not giving these people [I guess he is now speaking about the victims and their families] the respect that they deserve. Where to begin with this claim?

Celtic have left the dealings of what happened at Celtic Boys Club to an independent investigator and the Police to uncover and investigate — without prejudice from the media, from anyone in the club, from ambulance chasing lawyers, and from bitter & twisted Rangers fans looking to weaponise every little thing negative about the club, its players, management, and fan base.

As a club, Celtic have issued a number of statements denouncing the crimes committed by those at Celtic Boys Club and have already paid compensation to one victim because of the abuse by Jim McCafferty, not because he was a coach at Celtic Boys Club, but because he worked at Celtic in their youth setup — which was and is separate from the boys club — the club were liable for that once abuse case and a court found in the favour of the victim after proceedings were undertaken and evidence heard.
In amongst this absolute pish, he mentions "Neely, Dunn, Chalmers & Watson" as being the Torbett et al equivalent at Rangers. I've heard of Neely, but what's the story about the other three ?
The mentally challenged article is fairly typical example of paranoia, self appointed morality, and down right denial. They are a breed apart from the rest of humanity.

"Articles" like that just make them appear so much worse than ever before.
It is puerile, self-deceiving claptrap.
Who is it even aimed at, as very few outwith their already committed-to-silence circle of enablers will even look at it?
It is the evil workings of the catholic church in miniature.

Coming from the guys who love to accuse everybody else of whataboutery they are world class in stooping to it every opportunity that presents itself to them.

Sad, evil bastards.
He mentions innocent untill proven guilty then names guys who were at Rangers and were never convicted.

John Chalmers is just mentally challenged rumours and Watson was an ex player who never played for first team and convicted of a sex crime 20nyears after leaving Rangers and that clown equates that to 40 years of systematic child rape.

I think we can be all quite comfortable about where our moral compass sits compared to his.
Justice is coming to the victims and who do they blame for that? The lawyers are now ambulance chasers while the Rangers support are weaponising the abuse to punish them. Their warped sence of morality shows no remorse or admittance only an escape route that they try to cling on to.

That's their mindset and the rest of the world must be wrong then eh!

Deflect, deny, repeat. Oh, and blame the big bad Rangers - is in their DNA.

To me, the language in that ridiculous article stunk of fear.
We really are getting under their skin. I’m not even reading that shite. Deny and deflect at its best no doubt. And now the Irish Republican terrorist loving filth are calling us far right. It’s obviously down to their education.
We must remember something here. Child abuse is acceptable within their religion. That’s been proved worldwide. The bastards will come at us stronger now. We say bring it on. We’ll take you on head on. We have the evidence to back it.
Laugh at the scum. Don’t give them any air time on here either. It’s what they want. The world is about to know what that club stand for and how the Scottish government chose to ignore it. Some of their members even defend the club to this day.
Their fans don't realise the scale of this scandal.

They are so identified with their idea of their club ( being a charity, spokesman for the downtrodden etc), that they refuse to accept the truth. They have been told for decades, helped by the media pr, that any accusations are the result of bigotry or sectarianism.

Their bubble is about to be burst. And it is going to shock even the most ardent of their fans.
The cult they all subscribe to is also a registered charity and look at the child rape, torture, murder, scheming plotting and conspiracy they’ve been behind throughout the centuries. Ffs they even conspired with the Nazis subjugation of the Jews as up until the 1960s the RCC still said the Jews were guilty of deicide (killing god) so they had a common enemy with Nazis.
I’ve said many times they should be outlawed like the Branch Davidians and the Order of the Solar Temple. The difference being RCC are responsible for many times more pain and suffering than all the doomsday sects put together.
If McDonalds managers were raping children all over the world and the Area Managers knew but simply moved the Managers to other restaurants for the abuse to continue. When word got out about this McDonalds would cease to exist overnight same as News of the World, their brand would be toxic.
He mentions innocent untill proven guilty then names guys who were at Rangers and were never convicted.

John Chalmers is just mentally challenged rumours and Watson was an ex player who never played for first team and convicted of a sex crime 20nyears after leaving Rangers and that clown equates that to 40 years of systematic child rape.

I think we can be all quite comfortable about where our moral compass sits compared to his.
It’s called clutching at straws. Not one of them have said let’s have an independent inquiry as they know their club is guilty. Whereas we say bring it on. Let’s get it out there. For their crimes against humanity, that club should be shutdown.
We really are getting under their skin. I’m not even reading that shite. Deny and deflect at its best no doubt. And now the Irish Republican terrorist loving filth are calling us far right. It’s obviously down to their education.
We must remember something here. Child abuse is acceptable within their religion. That’s been proved worldwide. The bastards will come at us stronger now. We say bring it on. We’ll take you on head on. We have the evidence to back it.
Laugh at the scum. Don’t give them any air time on here either. It’s what they want. The world is about to know what that club stand for and how the Scottish government chose to ignore it. Some of their members even defend the club to this day.
Well said BN94. I do think however it’s useful to read that kind of shite just to be reminded of how such a filthy mindset can engage.
We really are getting under their skin. I’m not even reading that shite. Deny and deflect at its best no doubt. And now the Irish Republican terrorist loving filth are calling us far right. It’s obviously down to their education.
We must remember something here. Child abuse is acceptable within their religion. That’s been proved worldwide. The bastards will come at us stronger now. We say bring it on. We’ll take you on head on. We have the evidence to back it.
Laugh at the scum. Don’t give them any air time on here either. It’s what they want. The world is about to know what that club stand for and how the Scottish government chose to ignore it. Some of their members even defend the club to this day.
We really are getting under their skin. I’m not even reading that shite. Deny and deflect at its best no doubt. And now the Irish Republican terrorist loving filth are calling us far right. It’s obviously down to their education.
We must remember something here. Child abuse is acceptable within their religion. That’s been proved worldwide. The bastards will come at us stronger now. We say bring it on. We’ll take you on head on. We have the evidence to back it.
Laugh at the scum. Don’t give them any air time on here either. It’s what they want. The world is about to know what that club stand for and how the Scottish government chose to ignore it. Some of their members even defend the club to this day.
Love it sir. Bring it on.
He mentions innocent untill proven guilty then names guys who were at Rangers and were never convicted.

John Chalmers is just mentally challenged rumours and Watson was an ex player who never played for first team and convicted of a sex crime 20nyears after leaving Rangers and that clown equates that to 40 years of systematic child rape.

I think we can be all quite comfortable about where our moral compass sits compared to his.

Exactly. Innocent until proven guilty mate.

As BN94 states our output is all based on fact and HARD CONVICTIONS.

So every one of the 6 we mention WERE PROVEN GUILTY.

The four this HYPOCRITE mentioned were not proven guilty in a court of law, albeit we know Neely & Dunn were bad ones, no question.

Final point, how did that club deal with these perverts ?

Night. And. Day.
The part in bold surprises me not even a little bit, going by other absolute tripe he has written.

When you actually know a guy personally & see this kind of thing it just hits Home a little bit harder WTF.

If this guy knows Torbett or Crainey & wants to support their behaviour he’s welcome to write a further article.

But based on that article, he is embarrassing himself by mentioning innocent until proven guilty.

In football terms the score is 6.0.
Well said BN94. I do think however it’s useful to read that kind of shite just to be reminded of how such a filthy mindset can engage.

My concern is people less clues up than us mate.

They might just write it off as bigoted old form banter.

This is child rape, and hiding it to protect a major business with 50-100 million of business a year.

Let’s not forget that.
My concern is people less clues up than us mate.

They might just write it off as bigoted old form banter.

This is child rape, and hiding it to protect a major business with 50-100 million of business a year.

Let’s not forget that.
The shocking decision by Adidas would tend to emphasise this danger, GY. Can’t get my head round that one but surely when the shit hits the fan they will pull out. You’d like to think so anyway.
There is a style of writing called 'stream of consciousness'. That latest article, lashing out at anyone criticising the beasts in the east has come from a different style, that I would call 'stream of conscienceless'.

That writer needs to stop, forget about football rivalry for a minute, and think about what this is all about.
Easy enough to say mate.

See when you do stand up, you get your profile sent around CSCs worldwide in the hope of finding out who you are.
You get ill phil and the hag retweeting to their followers.
You get them posting pictures of your children.
They contact people you know, places you've worked, even charities you've raised thousands for in the hope that they silence you.

All of the above happened to me.

That's shocking mate, even more so when it concerns anyone's children.

Only the dregs of society would do that, which probably explains why they do it.

Society scares me at times. It's like a runaway train. Too many keyboard warriors hiding behind a wall.